
Be a part of Jesus changing the world

We are not here to just sit around and wait for heaven. God has called each of us to be part of the mission, transforming the world in justice and peace until he returns, loving and serving others, for even Jesus “did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for all.” And God has given each of us gifts as well, to use in service to him for the good of all. We invite you to share our J-O-Y then as we put Jesus first and Others next for his sake.


Over 50 years ago, God planted Joy in Prescott and so we have a particular responsibility to share God’s love with our neighbors and friends. Check out some of the ways that we care for people Near by and use the form below to volunteer or get some more information. We will get back to you!

Malawi Mission

Through the Northwest Wisconsin Synod Joy partners with a church in Mikolongkwe, Malawi to share the Gospel and serve.


“Go into all the world,” Jesus said, “and proclaim the Gospel to all creation.” Here at Joy we proclaim the good news Far away as we reach out into the world to bring the love of God to all people in word and deed. From Minneapolis to Malawi, we invite you to join us in the JOYful experience of loving and helping others.


“This is how the world will know that you are my disciples,” Jesus said, “if you love one another.” Here at Joy we find great joy in loving each other and our church. Each of us is unique, gifted and a loved child of God. So are you. We’d love to have you come and share the J-O-Y.


“Freely you have received, freely give,” Jesus said (Matthew 10:9). Everything we have, everything we are, we have received freely because God loves us all. And so at Joy we seek to be Generous in the way we live and love and share the resources that God has showered on us. There are many ways of giving: Online, envelopes, special gifts, memorials, ELCA World Missions, Joy Compassion Fund, LWR, disaster relief. Use the Online Giving button to donate today or sign up for regular giving. Click the Questions? button to send an email with your questions.

Want more information or to sign-up?

For more information about serving with Joy in one of our ministries or to sign up, please fill out the following form and submit it. Someone from Joy will be in touch with you within one business day.

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