As a community of women
Created in the image of God
Called to discipleship in Jesus Christ
And empowered by the Holy Spirit
We commit ourselves to
Grow in Faith
Affirm our Gifts
Support one another in our callings
Engage in Ministry and Action, and
Promote Healing and Wholeness in the Church, 
The Society, and the World.

The words above are the Purpose Statement for the Women of the ELCA, an organization to which all the women of Joy Lutheran Church belong.    This is the purpose of the Joy Women of the ELCA and this is what guides all our actions and activities.  In past years  we were involved in many activities that helped us grow in faith, engage in ministry and action, affirm our gifts as women, and promote healing and wholeness in our church, the society, and the world.  But in 2022, much like it was in 2021, due to the Coronavirus  Pandemic, our activities were very limited due to our inability to get together in person.  We missed our monthly Bible studies, many of our weekly Quilting sessions, our mission projects, our annual Treats and Treasures sale which helped us raise monies for mission projects and church projects, and some of our special programs, retreats, and conventions with the women of our St. Croix Conference and our Northwest Wisconsin Synod. 

We were able to host two Bible Studies in 2022.  On August 8 we hosted the annual Ecumenical Bible Study for women from all the churches in the Prescott area.  Twenty  women in all attended the study called “Crafted in Christ.”  This study used the concept of quilting to explore themes of community and Sabbath.  Quilting concepts and terms helped us delve into the specifics of Christian life and community and reimagine what we may become for Christ.  Several women also shared quilts that they made or own.  The ecumenical leaders for this study were Kathy Sommer from Joy, Cheryl DeMuth from St. John’s UCC, and Jennifer Christensen of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.  Truly a special group of ecumenical leaders!   We also hosted an Advent Bible Study on December 13. The name of the study was “Good Things Come in Small Packages: Moving from Wanting to Waiting at Advent.  Thanks to Pastor Carol Peterson for leading this study of the word and discussion about Advent and its meaning for our lives.

The women of our church were also invited to host the Fall Retreat of the St. Croix Valley Conference on Saturday, September 17 at our church, followed by lunch in the Fellowship Hall.  Because of Covid, our St. Croix Conference women had not been able to get together in the last 2-3 years so they were happy to meet again for fellowship, food and fun!  Our speaker was Gaye Lindfors, an author and speaker from St. Paul.  She spoke on “Learning to Move from Messy Moments to Happy Places.”  Gaye helped us rediscover how to create great moments, which turn into great days, which turn into a great life!  Special thanks to Kelly Poff and Susan Metcalf for preparing the lunch for this event.

Although many JWELCA activities and monetary gifts  were suspended in 2022, the women of the JWELCA Card Ministry have continued to provide cards to people who would like to send them to people who are ill, in grief, or who are celebrating a special holiday or occasion.  The cards are available in the hallway near the church office. Our Joy Quilters were able to return to quilting.  About 10-12 women quilt at church each Wednesday, 9-noon, in the fall and winter.    They usually complete about 45 quilts which are given to Lutheran World Relief to be sent across the world to people in need of warmth and comfort.  JWELCA has also continued to sponsor a child in Kenya through the “His Arms” orphan ministry.  A total of $360 was sent in 2022 for the support of our child, Sara.  This ministry was established by Nancy Rowe, a former member of Joy.  JWELCA also made a 2022 contribution of $1000 to the Luther Park Camping Program.

JWELCA and our Joy Youth held a Cookie Walk in December.  With the help of our Joy Youth, the Cookie Walk raised $657.60.  Thanks to all who contributed many delicious cookies! 

The Women of Joy Lutheran Church are busy, dedicated, and committed to living out our purpose.  We are blessed to be a community of women growing in faith, affirming our gifts, and supporting one another in our callings as we engage in ministry and action and promote healing and wholeness.  We invite ALL women of our church to join us in fulfilling our purpose!

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