It was wonderful to see all the coats you brought on Palm Sunday (“Coats for the King”) to be donated to the Salvation Army. Thank you for your generosity! And your generosity was wonderful to see as the piles of donations grew for the Personal Care Kits we’ll soon be taking to Lutheran World Relief! Thank you for bringing towels and soap, combs and clippers and toothbrushes; thank you for donating $2.65 (or more!) to help LWR ship the kits to people who need them all over the world. And thank you to Christy and the confirmation students and the others who put the kits together on Wednesday evening. God’s Work: Our Hands.
This coming Sunday, April 23, we’ll hear the story of two disciples meeting the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:13-35) Cleopas and his friend didn’t know with whom they were walking, with whom they were talking. They couldn’t see that it was Jesus. Reaching the town of Emmaus, they invited this stranger to remain with them for supper and the night.
As Jesus took the bread in his hands, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to his friends, their eyes were opened and they knew it was the Lord. These hands, so recently wounded on the cross, these hands that had broken bread with them on the night he was betrayed, these hands that had taught and healed and blessed… these dear, familiar hands, were still doing the work of God.
Jesus sent all of them out and he sends us out to be his healing and loving hands in our broken world. Thank you for sharing, for doing God’s work with your hands! God bless you and your hands!