
All are welcome to the Table

Sunday Morning

We offer one blended worship service (a mix of contemporary and traditional worship music) on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. Some Sundays lean more traditional and some Sundays lean more contemporary. But every service contains the essentials of Christian worship and Communion.

Wednesday Evening

Starting September 13, we offer a contemporary service from 6:30 to 7:15 pm. Singing, prayers, a reading and message, communion. Small groups meet afterwards. Come for supper at 5:15 and stay to worship. Feed your body and your soul.

FaceBook and YouTube

We live stream our service each Sunday on Facebook and post a recording of our worship to YouTube later in the day.  You can find us here on Facebook or YouTube.

Stay for Muffins and Coffee

We have coffee and muffins following worship, one of the blessings of being in-person. Join us for some delicious treats and friendly conversation.

Nursery available on Sunday

Our Nursery is available for parents and children and is professionally staffed most Sundays.  Infants and mothers needing a quiet place for feedings may use the fireside room (across from the nursery) during worship.

Worship Videos

If you can’t be with us in person or on Facebook Live, worship with us through our YouTube video ministry. All of our services and most of our other Joy events and recordings are posted on our YouTube channel.

If you have questions or concerns please contact the church office.  All are welcome here!

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