
You’re never done growing

You’re never too old to learn something new and none of us knows it all. And God is not done with any of us yet. So adults at Joy get together to study and share, encourage each other, have fun, and eat (of course). We laugh a lot, cry together sometimes too. We talk about serious stuff, Bible stuff, and the weather as well. We help around church, reach out to people in the Prescott area, share the love of Christ out in the world, and otherwise hang out and encourage one another. We welcome all and try to make everyone feel at home, precious and loved by God and God’s family. Talk to the pastor for more information.

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Family and Friends

It’s a joy to be a family, to have kids, of course. The psalmist says that blessed is the parent whose quiver is full of children. But it can also be a challenge. It is really helpful then when we can share the joys and the quandaries of raising children, being a couple, being single or widowed, old or young. At every age and place in life it is helpful just to have an adult to talk to. Helpful, too, to have friends across the generations to share insight and help. Here at Joy we are a variety of family configurations – single, married, in relationship or not, older, younger – but we all are here to support and help one another, looking to God for help and guidance too. You don’t have to do this all by yourself.

Joyful Seniors

Why should the kids have all the fun? At Joy our older adults have a blast too. There are games, trips, good friends, fun, and of course, food. And a lot of listening and caring and serving too.


Down through the centuries, women have been the backbone of the church. Caring. Nurturing. Encouraging. Leading. Defending. Passionate about Christ and the church. Here at Joy women of all ages continue to keep us Joyful and focused on Jesus. From JWELCA, our women’s organization, to Quilters and Card-makers and Bible study leaders, the women of Joy help us to not only welcome all but also serve all.

Ladies Luncheon

Join us Sunday, September 22nd, from 1-3PM for entertainment and lunch!This is our 1st annual…

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Joy’s men can cook too. Especially breakfast, meeting every other Saturday to feed our bodies as well as our souls. But that’s not all we do. The men of Joy mow the lawn, shovel the walk, collect personal care kits and deliver them to Lutheran World Relief and local agencies. Some of us help build houses with Habitat for Humanity. We help some of the older and more frail members of our community. We peel and core apples to make pies for missions. We paint and move furniture. We clean bathrooms. We read scriptures and help with Communion. Trying to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

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