Joy took a giant leap from Step 3 to Step 4 on Tuesday, December 6, as the Transition Team and Church Council met with the consultant and Synod staff member who oversaw and interpreted the results of the Congregational Survey we all did in November. They went through the results with us and explained what they meant. We will be publishing a summary of the results here and sharing them in worship by Sunday, December 11, and we will have full copies of the report available in the church office for anyone who would like to study it.
Now the Transition Team will be compiling a Congregational Profile to share with the pastor that we call. This step #4 could take three to six months and then we will establish a call committee and proceed to searching for a new pastor.
Thank you to everyone for participating in the survey. We had 100 people fill out the survey, which was 143% of the goal that we had for the number of filled-out surveys. The results showed that we do not have any conflict going on here, that most people are content with our ministry, but we got some great new ideas about things we can do to move forward in the future.
Our future here at Joy looks really good and promising. God has blessed us, we have grown together and moved ahead. And with God’s help and all the very talented and committed people here we will continue to grow in faith and love and service.