2023 Plant Market raised over $4000 for missions

We had another successful Plant Market. Thank you EVERYONE! Thank you those who dug and planted. Thank you those who bought and donated.Thank you all the volunteers. A special thanks to Ernie Schultz for growing and selling $804 worth of veggies. Thank you to Craig Orf for building bird houses and digging plants and Bobbie Flatz for digging plants.

This year our Net Proceeds came to just over $4,000. We are supporting each of the following projects with $1,000 each:

  • Our sister congregation in Malawi
  • St Croix Habitat for Humanity
  • Our Neighbors Place in River Falls WI (a women’s shelter)
  • Joy Lutheran’s Compassion Fund

The volunteers who put in many hours on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Dave Burleigh, Hope Olson, Tammy Orf, Craig Orf, Karen Lundgaaard, Al Klein, Ernie Schultz, Carmen Burleigh and her Girl Scouts, Lisa Olson, Mark Olson, Joan Northouse, Lee Northouse, Susan Metcalf, Tom Peterson, Hailey Nelson, Patti Schultz, Diane Meyer, Jim Flatz, Bobbie Flatz

We also thank Thrivent for Thrivent Action Team seed money that helped us with so many needs for this project. Bobbie Flatz, Chairperson, Craig and Tammy Orf, Ernie Schultz, Joan Northouse, Karen Lundgaard, Hope Olson

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